Grindstone Dragon Forge
Blacksmithing by
Matthew Richards
The Story. . .
One day I stopped by fellow art club member, James Hovanec's house to discuss the loan of a tool for a project. Jim was working in his blacksmithing forge and asked if I wanted to try a little blacksmithing. I do not remember if it was the second or third hit with the hammer that had me hooked on working with metal.
That was over three years ago. After working with Jim in his forge, the Grindstone Forge, and digging through many flea markets I now have many tools and equipment. That combined with the knowledge Jim has shared I have put together my own forge. . .The Grindstone Dragon Forge.
While I still have so very much to learn I have created a few pieces, including dragons, of course. Photos of some of these first artistic pieces are found here on this page. Keep an eye out here for more metal creations as well as some metal and ceramic, multimedia creations.
One day I stopped by fellow art club member, James Hovanec's house to discuss the loan of a tool for a project. Jim was working in his blacksmithing forge and asked if I wanted to try a little blacksmithing. I do not remember if it was the second or third hit with the hammer that had me hooked on working with metal.
That was over three years ago. After working with Jim in his forge, the Grindstone Forge, and digging through many flea markets I now have many tools and equipment. That combined with the knowledge Jim has shared I have put together my own forge. . .The Grindstone Dragon Forge.
While I still have so very much to learn I have created a few pieces, including dragons, of course. Photos of some of these first artistic pieces are found here on this page. Keep an eye out here for more metal creations as well as some metal and ceramic, multimedia creations.